Any strategic decision within a company is often the result of a marketing study. Therefore, all investigations, internal or external to a company, begin with marketing data collection. However, processing this raw data to transform it into actionable information is necessary.
I have selected the best marketing data analysis methods for you.

1- Quantitative Marketing Data Analysis
Quantitative data analysis allows for quantifying behavior, a concept, or an element. Statistical analysis, par excellence, is frequently used by companies for market segmentation.
It transforms the information collected into numbers. These figures can then be presented as statistical tables, diagrams, or graphs. This allows companies to understand the issues and make decisions based on data.
This data analysis technique allows the centralization and comparison of different data. It can be used to analyze responses to a questionnaire or survey.
2- Qualitative Marketing data analysis
Qualitative analysis helps to better understand social phenomena or group behaviors. It is a more analytical and descriptive approach based on interpretation.
It makes it possible to explain the meaning of behavior, to reflect on a phenomenon in a new way, and to study different facets of a concept. The qualitative approach is for non-quantifiable data.
Qualitative data analysis is used by commercial enterprises to measure consumers' needs, trends, motivations, and behaviors.
3- Marketing Data analysis using CRM
Customer relationship management allows you to collect and use data related to your company's customers and prospects.
CRM data processing has several advantages for data storage, management, and future business actions. With CRMs, you can:
Access customers anywhere and anytime.
Automated prospecting control
Share data more efficiently.
Follow up on prospecting.
Forecasting email campaigns
Centralize and categorize customer data.
4- Data Analysis with Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence uses technological processes to analyze and present data in a form that is more accessible for interpretation. It is mainly used to help managers and leaders in strategic decision-making.
5- Data visualization analysis
Visualization data analysis allows information and research to be displayed graphically. Data analysis is based on five categories:
Temporal: display in the form of calendars, line graphs, polar zone diagrams, scatter plots, etc.
Hierarchical: tree charts, donut charts, sunburst chart
Multidimensional: in pie charts, bar charts, Venn diagram
Networked: raster charts, word clouds, alluvial diagram
Geospatial: flow maps, density maps, cartograms, heat map
6- Analysis using digital marketing tools
There are many analytical tools in digital marketing. The main tools relate to site performance indicators and information related to social networks.
1- Analytics tools for websites
Google Analytics: an audience analysis tool that brings out data related to website traffic (volume of visits, user behavior, channels, session duration, etc. When this tool is linked to Google Adwords, it is also possible to analyze data related to advertising campaigns and display banners, cost per click, cost per acquisition, etc.
Hotjar: it interprets the behavior of visitors. For example, it has determined hotspots where users' mouse lingers or where it clicks.
My Ranking Metrics: scans your site content for meta descriptions, keywords, H1 tags, H2 tags, HTML tags, etc. It considers the data that can affect your site's natural referencing and gives recommendations accordingly.
2- Social Media Analytics Tools
Hootsuite Analytics: Provides a centralized dashboard that summarizes your activities across all your social networks. You will have indicators on all your publications (comments and response times, clicks, shares, views, video reach, go of published content, etc.).
Talkwalker: gives you the keywords used by your competitors and Internet users, and you can measure and filter your analyses according to social networks. As a partner of Twitter, this tool offers considerable data and as many analyses as possible for that particular medium.
7- Analysis using marketing principles
1- Association Rules
Association rules help establish a relationship between two or more variables in a varied data set. They allow finding sets and reconstructing subsets of data. They allow you to define the potential future needs of your customers. For example, a person who buys flour and eggs probably purchases sugar. You can, therefore, anticipate requests.
Another example is that an individual who buys a birthday cake can get birthday candles. You can offer solutions to facilitate the purchase of both items.
2- Sentiment analysis
It is based on exploring opinion. This analysis examines qualitative data. It interprets natural language and linguistics to identify affective states systematically. Some examples of data it will process are comments, survey responses, interactions with content on social networks, etc.
Analyzing marketing data remains a common practice in a company's routine. Market research allows us to use raw data to adjust our marketing strategy.